Skin Care

5 Things to Avoid if You Have Cellulite

While cellulite gives the skin a lumpy, dimpled, and unappealing appearance, it is not harmful to your overall health. What it negatively does is make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. Some even forgo certain types of clothing or activities in an effort to hide this dermatologic condition.

It is perfectly understandable and common to be concerned about skin dimpling. This is despite the fact that it affects about 90% of women at some point in their lives. If you are concerned about the lumpy appearance in your thighs, buttocks, and arms, continue reading as we share the things you need to avoid to improve cellulite appearance.  

But first, what causes cellulite?

The exact cause is unknown, but cellulite is said to develop when the fat layers underneath the skin push through collagen fibers or connective tissues. Other factors that can influence whether you have cellulite include:

  • Sex – it is more common in women than men.
  • Genes – cellulite tends to run in families.
  • Weightskinny people can have cellulite, but it is more common in those with excess body fat.
  • Age – skin dimpling is more common as people get older due to the weakening of cell structures and the natural decline of collagen production.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits – sitting all the time and poor diet increase your risk of gaining weight and developing cellulite. Smoking, meanwhile, weakens collagen and reduces blood flow, which may contribute to cellulite formation.

Things to avoid if you have cellulite

When it comes to solving problems or issues, addition doesn’t always beat subtraction. In the case of cellulite reduction, it may be ideal to find out what you could avoid or get rid of to improve skin dimpling or prevent it from becoming worse.

1. Too much processed or junk food A poor diet that features lots of fats, sugars, salt, carbohydrates, and preservatives can cause you to gain extra fat or weight, which can then contribute to cellulite. Weight gain, furthermore, can also worsen the appearance of skin dimpling or make it more visible.

Some studies have noted that consuming foods with a high glycemic index (raises blood sugar quickly) can speed up collagen tissue glycation. The glycation process causes advanced glycation end-products or AGEs, which are known to contribute to skin aging by causing damage to collagen and elastin. 

2. Loading up on alcohol – A 2023 study noted that drinking alcohol stimulates lipogenesis, which is the formation or conversion of fat from simple sugars. This can lead to an increase in body fat content, which can therefore increase the risk of developing cellulite. 

It can also exacerbate cellulite, as it causes dehydration and triggers water retention. When the body is dehydrated, it will hold on to excess fluid, resulting in bloating, weight gain, and making your cellulite look lumpier. This can also cause puffiness in the face and other areas of the body. 

3. Lack of exercise As previously mentioned, an inactive lifestyle is one of the risk factors for cellulite. Being sedentary is also associated with excess weight, which can cause or make cellulite worse. Prolonged sitting with little to no movement can also negatively affect both your muscle tone and skin firmness over time. 

And while regular exercise cannot cure cellulite, it can help reduce its appearance. As the weakening of connective tissues as we age can contribute to skin dimpling, strengthening, firming, or toning the affected area can help. By tightening the skin, the look of cellulite will become less visible. 

4. Yo-yo dieting – Losing weight, regaining it, and dieting again causes repeated stretching and shrinking of the skin. Yo-yo dieting damages collagen and elastin fibers, causing the skin to look uneven, as well as contributing to the formation of new and worsening of existing cellulite.  

It is also worth noting that dieting causes you to lose fat which results in decreased levels of leptin. This is the hormone that helps you feel full. It only means that as leptin declines, your appetite increases and causes the body to conserve energy. This is why it is common for yo-yo dieters to regain more weight than they lost. 

5. Miracle creams and therapies There is no way to completely get rid of cellulite. You should be wary of those that claim to be miracle products, medicines, or treatments. If you’re looking to reduce its appearance, Cutis can help. 

What to try instead

At our aesthetic clinic in Singapore, we have acoustic shockwave therapy, a non-invasive treatment that uses wave pulses or targeted vibrations to break down fat under the skin. It can make the skin firmer and more elastic, which smooths the skin and improves the look of cellulite. We have two acoustic shockwave devices at the clinic:

  • X-Wave – induces targeted vibrations in the connective tissues to break down fat that causes cellulite. It also stimulates lymphatic drainage to remove toxins and contributes to collagen formation to improve skin texture, skin dimpling, and stretch marks.
  • ZWave – delivers radial shockwaves that destabilize fat structure and break down connective tissues that cause cellulite. The shockwaves also enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as stimulate collagen. You can combine it with a fat freezing procedure like ZLipo to improve fat reduction results.

Book a consultation

If you’re worried about the appearance of cellulite, there is no shame in wanting to improve its appearance. This is especially true if you believe it will improve your self-esteem and confidence. Contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore today and schedule a consultation and body assessment with our aesthetic doctor to get started.

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