Aesthetic Clinic

5 Things You May Not Know About Cellulite

Cellulite or skin dimpling is one body issue that most women have to deal with. While it is not a serious health condition, the appearance or puckering effect of dimpled skin can cause a big blow to self-esteem. In fact, many of those who have it refuse to wear shorts or swimsuits because of their dimpled skin.

The basics of cellulite

Although its exact cause is not known, cellulite is said to develop when the fat layers beneath the skin push through collagen fibers or connective tissues. This commonly occurs around the thighs and buttocks, but can also appear on other areas like the arms and stomach. It is more noticeable on people with excess fat, but skinny people can also get skin dimpling

Here are some facts you may not know about skin dimpling: 

1. There are different types of cellulite.

Skin dimpling can show up in different forms and may feel soft, hard, or firm when touched. These include:  

  • Adipose – This creates an orange peel effect and is only visible when you pinch your skin. This is the most common type of skin dimpling and is linked to bad eating habits and inactivity.
  • Aqueous – This is associated with water retention and poor blood circulation. It has a very little orange peel effect on the surface. Aqueous cellulite feels soft to the touch and leaves white finger marks when you pinch your skin.
  • Fibrous – This cellulite is very noticeable and makes the skin appear bumpy. Fibrous cellulite feels hard when you touch it. It can also be painful sometimes.

2. Cellulite can run in the family.

There is some genetic component or predisposition to cellulite. If your mother or grandmother had it, you have a higher chance of developing skin dimpling. This explains why some women with low BMI (body mass index) have cellulite, even with regular diet and exercise. 

Genetics, however, are not the only reason why you may have cellulite. There are a number of factors at play such as hormonal changes, thinning skin (aging), weight fluctuations, and collagen loss. Your lifestyle (diet and exercise) can also affect your chances of having cellulite.

3. Liposuction will not get rid of your cellulite.

While fat is one component of dimpling skin, it is not exactly the same as normal fat. Also, skin dimpling is more of a problem associated with the structure of the skin. This is why surgical liposuction is ineffective for cellulite. It can eliminate excess fat deposits, but it does not alter the structure or strength of the skin fibers.

There are also cases where liposuction can make dimpling skin worse, especially when too much fat is removed. This is because it weakens or decreases the support structure beneath the skin. Also, if you undergo the procedure with little skin elasticity in the first place, you may have more loose skin appearance in the treated area. 

4. Cellulite is associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Being inactive can increase your chances of having severe cellulite. Lack of physical activity is also associated with excess weight, which can then make dimpling worse. You should also know that prolonged sitting can negatively affect your skin firmness and muscle tone over time.

Sitting all the time can also lead to reduced blood flow and water retention. This can then affect areas prone to cellulite (thighs and buttocks) or make skin dimpling worse. Taking regular breaks to walk when you have a sedentary job is advisable, as well as engaging in regular physical activity. 

5. Dieting can make your cellulite worse.

This is especially true with yo-yo dieting or losing weight, regaining it, and then dieting again. Doing so causes repeated stretching and shrinking of the skin, which can damage collagen and elastin fibers. Your skin may also look uneven, which then worsen the appearance of existing cellulite. 

You can also make your cellulite worse with poor diet. Too much salt, for instance, can cause your tissues to retain water, which then worsen cellulite appearance. Excess sugar, on the other hand, causes you to gain weight quicker. And mentioned before, cellulite is more noticeable with excess weight.

The non-invasive treatment to consider

At Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, we offer acoustic shockwave therapy, which is a non-invasive procedure that can reduce cellulite appearance. It is clinically proven to break down fat cells and improve the tone and texture of the skin. At our clinic, we have two devices that use acoustic shockwave therapy: BTL X Wave and Zimmer ZWave

Both use a handheld device that delivers acoustic shockwaves that cause vibrations to the connective tissues. This breaks down the accumulation of cellulite’s cell structure and makes the tissues softer. Acoustic shockwave therapy also brings the benefits of increasing the elasticity of epidermis and helping with stretch marks. 

Deal with skin dimpling the right way. Contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore today and schedule your body assessment and consultation with our aesthetic doctor to learn more about our cellulite treatment.


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