We are happy to announce that Cutis Medical Laser Clinics has received the Silver Award for Best Hair Removal in the Expat Living Readers’ Choice Awards under the Beauty and Spa category.
The Expat Living website mentioned that the votes were cast for different products and services in 118 categories. These include furniture, grocers, retail and fashion, leisure and kids’ activities, and beauty and spa. We are delighted to be chosen as one of the readers’ favorites in the hair removal category.
A huge thanks to all those who voted for us. We thank you for recognizing our commitment and dedication to providing quality aesthetic services in Singapore. We hope to improve our services and continue making the right moves for all our patients.
Expat Living offers guides and other helpful tips about moving to and living in Singapore. They have been giving their readers a voice and a chance to vote for their favorite products and services since January 2011. For the full list of winners this year, visit this link.
Our hair removal treatments
If you’re tired of shaving and waxing, we have three safe and effective methods for permanent hair reduction. These procedures use light (and heat) energy sources to remove or reduce unwanted hair from the face and other areas of the body.
- Laser Hair Removal (Cutera CoolGlide) – delivers pulses of laser light to destroy the hair follicles and stop future hair growth.
- Prowave IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Hair Reduction– uses a tailored light source to disable future hair growth.
- LHE Hair Removal (Light and Heat) – combines light and heat to remove unwanted hair without damaging the skin.
- Nd:YAG 1064 nm Laser – has a wavelength that bypasses the epidermis, making it effective for treating and reducing hair in patients with darker skin types.
Just do take note that you’ll need multiple sessions of any hair removal method to see lasting and optimal results. To learn more about our hair removal treatments and other aesthetic services, contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics today.
- If you would like to be an informed patient, please contact us at +65-6801-4000 or
hello@cutislaserclinics.com. - Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, 9 Scotts Road Pacific Plaza, Scotts Medical Center #08-07, Singapore – 228210
+65-6801-4000 - hello@cutislaserclinics.com
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