While vaginal or genital darkening is a common occurrence among women, there are still lots of myths about it. The misconceptions center around its causes, how people perceive it, and the ways to safely lighten the area. It is also a common source of embarrassment, which is why many seek treatments to address the discoloration.

Is Your Intimate Area Dark 3 Common Myths About Vaginal Darkening

Continue reading as our aesthetic clinic in Singapore shares the three most common myths about vaginal darkening and what you can do to safely address the issue. 

1. Darkening or color changes in the intimate area are unhealthy and not normal

No, no, and no. Having a darker vaginal area is not usually a health concern. In fact, it is common for women of all complexions to notice or experience darkening in their delicate areas. Factors such as genetics, aging, hormonal influences, and friction can all contribute to darkening or increased pigmentation in the area. 

It’s normal for the skin of your labia, anus, and surrounding areas to be darker than the skin on other body parts. This is referred to as intimate hyperpigmentation. The color varies from person to person and your natural skin tone plays a role in the degree of discoloration in the area. 

If you, for instance, have a darker skin tone, the hyperpigmentation may appear browner. If you, on the other hand, have a paler or lighter complexion, the discoloration down there might be on the subtler side. Color changes around the genitals happen gradually and many of us don’t notice it right away. 

2. Vaginal darkening is mainly caused by poor hygiene. 

Not true. Several factors play a part in the development of darkening in the intimate areas. These include:

  • Hormones – hormonal shifts over time can cause the genital area to become darker. This can happen during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Those who are on birth control can also experience discoloration or skin changes.
  • Friction – this can be due to tight or ill-fitting underwear or clothing. Certain activities such as running, exercising, and even walking can create friction on the inner thighs and vulva. 
  • Shaving or waxing –frequent waxing and shaving can cause irritation, resulting in an anti-inflammatory response. Both methods can also cause micro-tears on the skin, triggering inflammation and melanin production. 
  • Lack of ventilation – with the genital area being usually covered and confined, moisture can build up. The lack of air or ventilation can stimulate melanin production and cause color changes. Wearing breathable underwear made from cotton can help prevent this. 
  • Aging – going through more hormonal shifts and years of repeated trauma or irritation can cause your genital area to darken. Skin darkening or pigmentation is also common as you age, which is why you may also notice color changes in other areas of the body. 
  • Sweating – sweat contains chemicals that can affect both the color and texture of your skin. And until you clean or wash your delicate region, sweat can remain down there, causing the chemicals to linger on the area, increasing the risk of discoloration.

3. You can turn to home remedies to safely lighten the area.

Not true. If you’re self-conscious about the darkening in your intimate area and want to lighten it, make sure not to use DIY remedies or any online/over-the-counter creams. Keep in mind that the skin in your intimate area is sensitive and some whitening creams contain chemicals that can cause irritation, inflammation, burning, and infections. 

Do take note that you don’t have to lighten the intimate area. If you, however, want to do it, see a healthcare provider for safe and effective solutions. At Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, we have Dermamelan Intimate in Singapore, a medical depigmenting solution for intimate areas. It contains compounds that target the conditions responsible for darkening. 

This solution has a (dual) corrective and regulatory action that doesn’t just lighten the pigment, but also tackles the root of the problem. It accelerates skin peeling and renewal and acts on the problem source to help prevent reappearance.

Treatment areas include the: 

  • Genital-perineal area
  • Perianal zone
  • Mons pubis
  • Inner thighs
  • Groin

Dermamelan Intimate involves two phases: an in-clinic and at-home treatment. The former is performed in a clinical/medical setting and involves the application of the peel or solution. The latter is an aftercare application of the provided gel to regulate the secretion of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells). 

Benefits include:

  • Unified skin tone
  • Short- and long-term correction of pigmentation
  • Improves skin elasticity and water retention
  • Helps prevent the reappearance of pigmentation/dark spots
  • Improves the quality, turgidity, and appearance of the intimate areas

Schedule a consultation today

If you decide to lighten your intimate areas or address other related concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore and book a consultation with our aesthetic doctor to find out how we can help.

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