It probably happened to you once or twice… You wake up in the morning feeling fine or okay only to find a sudden breakout staring back at you in the mirror. It might have happened on a random day or in some cases, before an important event like a presentation at work or a dinner date.
A zit that has suddenly popped up out of nowhere can ruin your day, depending on how noticeable it is. You may also be tempted to pop it, with the hope of making the breakout smaller or less red. And while this may be satisfying, squeezing a zit usually backfires.
So, how do you tackle sudden breakouts effectively? Continue reading as we explore the things you can do, as well as the things that cause them.
What causes sudden facial breakout?
In many cases, surprise breakouts may have been forming or brewing around for some time before popping out. And there are a lot of things that can contribute to their formation. Knowing what triggers these breakouts can give you a good fighting chance in dealing with them effectively or reducing their size and redness.
Hormones – Your hormones can fluctuate due to several factors such as your menstrual cycle, medications (like birth control), and stress. One of the main reasons they trigger acne is that they can increase sebum production, which can then clog your pores and trigger sudden breakouts.
Stress – This is somehow related to the first one, as too much stress can cause hormonal fluctuations. Stress is also likely the culprit if you notice these breakouts before an exam, first date, or presentation at work. It causes your body to release cortisol (stress hormone), which leads to an increase in sebum production. This can clog the pores and trigger breakouts.
Poor diet – Foods that are high in (added) sugar and carbs are known to cause inflammation in the body, especially if you consume lots of them. Certain foods such as white bread, french fries, sugary drinks, and others can cause your blood sugar to spike, resulting in inflammation. This can then lead to pimples and acne.
Certain beauty and skincare products – Some of the things you’re applying to your skin can sometimes clog pores and cause breakouts. These can be true for occlusive ones like heavy or liquid foundation, as well as hair care products that can come into contact with your skin. Cheap skincare can also have the same effect due to the cheap ingredients that may irritate your skin or do more harm than good.
What can you do with sudden breakouts?
While there is no magic treatment that can get rid of a sudden breakout as soon as possible, you can try a few things to reduce both its size and redness.
Some people resort to squeezing their pimples in an attempt to make them go away quickly. Doing so, however, only increases your risk of causing more inflammation, which can make the pimple and the surrounding area redder. There is also the risk of spreading bacteria or pushing the infection deeper, which can prolong the healing process.
Instead of picking at your skin, use a topical spot treatment that can help kill the bacteria and calm your blemishes. Applying a dab of benzoyl peroxide (available in drugstores in the form of gel, cream, or patch) can help dry up the zit faster. It works by killing the acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation and the appearance of redness.
Benzoyl peroxide is effective in treating mild to moderate acne. As it encourages the shedding of dead skin cells, it can help unclog pores that may be blocked due to the accumulation of dead skin cells. This ingredient, however, may dry out or irritate your skin if you’re using it on the same spot over and over again. Starting with a lower concentration helps.
Products with benzoyl peroxide can also help treat recurring mild pimples. Just do take note that it needs some time to work, about four to six weeks. There are also cases where your acne may get worse before it gets better.
When it comes to severe acne, benzoyl peroxide can still be helpful, but it is recommended to see your doctor to determine the combination of treatments or skincare ingredients that works best for your situation.
How to treat your skin right with Cutis
Zits don’t just go away after the inflammation has healed. They also left reminders of what your skin has gone through with dark spots and scars. Make sure not to exacerbate them by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. This can protect your skin against the harmful UV rays that make them darker or more noticeable.
We at Cutis also have several non-surgical treatments that can improve your skin tone and texture, as well as help with mild acne. These include:
- VI Peel – improves the tone, texture, and clarity of the skin. It can help stimulate collagen growth, as well as soften wrinkles, clear acne, and fade pigmentation.
- Clarifying Facial with Sapphire (Blue Light Therapy) – clarifies congested skin by killing acne-causing bacteria and removing dead skin cells and impurities.
- Skin Rejuvenation Laser Skin Therapy – improves skin texture by treating fine lines, enlarged pores, skin redness, and uneven skin tone. It can be combined with chemical peel to tackle acne and other skin blemishes.
Learning more about what ingredient works best for the type of acne you have can help you in fighting it effectively. Don’t hesitate to contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore and schedule a consultation with our aesthetic doctor to learn more about aesthetic treatments and products that can help you achieve healthy and blemish-free skin.
- If you would like to be an informed patient, please contact us at +65-6801-4000 or - Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, 9 Scotts Road Pacific Plaza, Scotts Medical Center #08-07, Singapore – 228210
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