As the hormone responsible for male sexual development, testosterone (T) is often associated with a man’s sex drive, aggression and dominance. Seldom is it associated with mood regulation and cognitive function. Could it be that your lingering ‘blues’ and mental fog are all because of plummeting testosterone level?
A closer look at clinical data reveals that older men with normal levels of testosterone perform well on cognitive tests, and higher levels of testosterone in midlife are associated with better preservation of tissue in some parts of the brain as it undergoes ageing.
The relationship between hormonal imbalance due to low testosterone levels and a wide variety of health problems is not clearly understood, although there are certain theories put forward as to its relationship with mood regulation and brain function: As testosterone levels drop, the body’s ability to absorb serotonin also gets weaker. Serotonin is both a feel-good hormone and a neurotransmitter, so not enough of it in the brain could make a person feel depressed and experience ‘senior moments.’
The spotlight of ‘low T’ is often focused on loss of sex drive, but many men are as equally concerned about erectile dysfunction and low libido as they are with not feeling like their old selves. It’s not unusual for men undergoing ‘male menopause’ to report that they easily lose focus, become forgetful and mentally dull, turn irritable or depressed for no apparent reason, and experience declining self-esteem even when their lives look great on paper. While changes are to be expected from the onset of middle age, men don’t have to endure the symptoms of andropause and feel helpless about the changes in their bodies.
Hormone replacement therapy using testosterone has proven, in many clinical studies, to be effective in improving older men’s sex lives, as measured in the number of orgasms they achieve in a given period. But testosterone replacement therapy alone may not be enough to improve mood and mental function because there are few conclusive studies that establish direct and exclusive link between them.
A more holistic approach using age management medicine may benefit men in more ways beyond increasing his sex drive. Nutrition and exercise remain at the center of any healthy aging program like Optimagenics Age Management because they not only address very specific concerns (such as low libido) but help patients achieve overall good health in all areas of their lives. Hormone therapy is only one of its components – testosterone (or estrogen for women) is prescribed when medically indicated.
Optimagenics Age Management draws scientific knowledge from diverse disciplines to help patients lower their risk of developing age-related diseases while at the same time improving their physical and sexual vitality through a treatment plan that promotes better sleep, increased muscle tone and decreased body fat, increased mental acuity, and enhanced self-esteem.
Mood and brain function are governed by a complex interplay of physical, mental and hormonal factors that are influenced, in one way or another, by diet and exercise, so a more comprehensive age management program may be more effective than hormone therapy alone.
Want to know more about how to increase sex drive or achieve a healthier lifestyle even in your older years? Read our blog posts on low libido treatment and healthy aging.
Tags: Age Management, Increase Sex Drive
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